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This site is a spin-off off of my Gaming Ales web log, or 'blog' as I like to call it (since it was me that coined the phrase in the first place).  The blog started off as a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet came into being because I was looking at the myriad of wonderful bottled ales on offer in the local supermarket and couldn't remember which ones I'd sampled and which ones I'd yet to taste. This resulted in repeat purchases of the same ales every time. At least I think it did, I don't remember because at the time I didn't know what I'd had and what I'd not had. And with variety being the spice of life this scenario just couldn't continue.


Anyway, the blog origin story can be found here, this site on the other hand is just some reviews I wrote for other sites and I thought it might be nice to have them all in the same place.


The photo to the left is me looking better than normal, zombified on the horribly underrated ZombiU on the WiiU. Awesome game by the way...


You really should go play it... Like, now...

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